1. Set Distance eates
    1. Enable distance rates on a workspace
    2. Add, delete, or edit distance rates

Set distance rates

New Expensify

Set Distance eates

Each Expensify workspace can be configured with one or more distance rates. Once distance rates are enabled on your workspace, employees will be able to choose between the available rates to create distance expenses.

Enable distance rates on a workspace

To enable distance rates on a workspace you are an admin on:

  1. Click your profile image or icon in the bottom left menu
  2. Click Workspaces in the left menu
  3. Select the workspace where you want to enable distance rates
  4. Click More features in the left menu
  5. Click the toggle next to Distance rates

After toggling on distance rates, you will see a new Distance rates option in the left menu.

Add, delete, or edit distance rates

To add a distance rate:

  1. Click your profile image or icon in the bottom left menu
  2. Click Workspaces in the left menu
  3. Select the workspace where you want to add distance rates
  4. Click Distance rates in the left menu
  5. Click Add rate in the top right
  6. Enter a value, then click Save

To enable, disable, edit or delete a single distance rate:

  1. Click the distance rate on the Distance rates settings page
  2. To enable or disable the distance rate, click the toggle next to Enable rate, then click Save
  3. To edit the rate amount, click on the amount field, enter the new value, then click Save
  4. To permanently delete the distance rate, click Delete

Note: When Distance rates is enabled, the workspace must have at least one enabled distance rate.

To enable, disable, edit or delete distance rates in bulk:

  1. On the Distance rates settings page, click the checkboxes next to the distance rates that should me modified
  2. Click “x selected” at the top right
  3. To enable or disable all the selected distance rates, click Enable rates or Disable rates
  4. To permanently delete the distance rates, click Delete rates

Note: When Distance rates are enabled, the workspace must have at least one enabled distance rate.

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